Wednesday 13 May 2009

The Prejudiced System.

Ok, untill today I had faith in 'The system', normally people are polite about how they go about things and what not, but today down the Job centre, I went to get Job seekers allowance (reluctantly). I had two interviews, the first was ok, nothing of bother, but the second was terrible! The woman was completely rude, and inconsiderate, and in no better word(s) to say, looked down at me as if I was scum. Now I have an education, GCSE's, A levels and a NVQ, I -WANT- a higher education, i'm an Enkian, I crave knowledge like heroin, but this woman told me ' You can not go to college, AND have a full time job', which I thought was crap (and my dad further agreed). After talking pointlessly of how 'the system' works, I asked her if she could go through why I could not attent college AND have a job, instead I got back ' I've told you, i'm not repeating I have another interview.' At that moment my faith in the system crashed. Infact, it crashed so much, I've decided not to even claim the small amount of money, that's how insulted I was. My father told me I should make a formal complaint about the woman, but i'm really not one to get people fired or in trouble. I can understand their dislike for people claiming benefits, the amount of people whom claim and are incrediably lazy is stupid, but when people ACTUALLY need it, they despise them too.
Well... i'm sorry, but my education, knowledge even, is worth more to me then 80 pounds a fortnight, or a full time, dead-end job. I will take up College for a year, even if I have to starve! Then, Uni next year.

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