Wednesday 20 May 2009

Magical Feelings.

The past couple of days have been reasonably strange for me! I've been experiencing new sensations. At first they were minor, as though in my imagination, but as the days past my perseption of things began to change, how I seen people began to change, seen the things about me.
It's a strange feeling to put in to words, maybe it's just apart of growing up, but it's such a magical feeling, unexplainable really in text....
Try imagining yourself, at one with the air...A feeling of floating or in a dream. That's what the past few days have been like, as though I am within a dream, yet awake. Seeing things through anothers eyes. . .
Hrm.. Maybe it's the inner 'Witch' within me, coming to terms with all of what and who I am; The good, the bad and the ugly.

On a more knowledgeable note my books arrived! Four Encyclopedia's on the following; Witch craft, Spells, Mythical creatures, and psychic(s). Add to my on going collection of books! I have four more to buy yet.

It's going to be hard fitting it all in with the studying I already do; Sumer and Akkad, Meditations now the newest book on Witchcraft (Which, if I may add, is a great book! Not jus for the obvious, but historal refrence(s) ). Organised it to Saturday Meditations, Sunday's Sumer and Akkad(As normal and to keep my knowledge up to-date) and the weekdays to natural craft.
Probably in the evening's, as i'm normally out during the day.

*Key is to organise before you do!*

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