Ok,first of I would like to say sorry I haven't updated this sooner, I am on Facebook, if you wish to add me (Leona Small, in which I tend to use every day.
Anyway, back on to topic, I think I should up-date this before I update my book of Shadows, both need updating,alas!
Anyway, December 2009 we're in, almost 2010. And Yule has been as well as Xmas. A time for giving,sharing, thinking, caring... A time for Family.. And I must say this December has been one of the best (Minus Xmas, I don't really celebrate it.).
Although Yule was quiet, it has given me time to reflect on things that have been this year, how fast it has flown! And how greatful to Enki I am. How much i've learnt, what new people I have met, what joys and disappoints and new experiences I have encountered!
This year, I must say has been one of the best and one of the strangest!
And on this day, December 28th, my annivasary of being an Enkian, a day of Ritual,rejoice and (more) pondering, I would just like to say, be greatful for what you have-always. Hold it dear. Do not take advantage of the simple things in life, food,water,green grass, and the caring people around you. Everything has a cause, everything has a meaning, everything has a reason (Unless we're talking Quantum physics, not a debate I want to get in to.). Enjoy life as it is, but if you can bettr it. Learn and be taught! Love and be loved! And most of all... May Enki be with you to guide and love. :) I hope your year has been as good as mine. :)
(P.S. Excuse any spelling mistakes.)
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